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Friday, February 11, 2011

Carrie Underwood Being Vilified Over Mike Fisher Trade to Nashville

It's no secret that Carrie Underwood would love her newlywed husband, Mike Fisher, to be traded to the Nashville Predators from the Ottawa Senators so that he'd be closer to home. Not that long ago, I remember reading in passing that he requested a trade there for that reason.

I didn't give it much attention because hockey is a major sport. Players rarely demand WHERE to be traded, let alone because his woman wants him to live in a particular city. It seemed very unlikely to happen.

Hockey is a multi-billion dollar industry, and unless a player is a free agent, he has no say where he plays. If Mike Fisher did indeed demand to be traded to Nashville, as it likely happened, he has lost all credibility in the locker room and in the sports world in general.

Now, some media outlets are trashing Underwood and Fisher, and some Ottawa stations are even pulling her music from their playlists. This has the Carrie Underwood fan(antics) up in arms!as they flock to her defense. (At least it gives them a break from whining about her perceived ACM Entertainer of the Year snub).

Most of Carrie's crazy fans are of the female demographic. Most females don't "get" sports, hockey especially. Hockey is a brutal, man's man sport where players will keep on playing even after having some teeth knocked out. Mike Fisher is going to face a bunch of criticism from players all around the league. Essentially, he's lost his Man Card as far as most of his peers are concerned.

I expect him to be teased in the locker room, ridiculed on the ice by opponents, and harassed by opposing players.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Carrie Underwood Fans Put "Fan" in Fanatical

The ACM's recently announced their 2011 Nominees, and all of the Carrie Underwood fans are in an uproar because their beloved Carrie didn't get nominated for Entertainer of the Year. My twitter time-line has been teeming with her fans complaining about it. Here's a quick example of what I've read...

-"Last year they had 8 nominees, this year only have's a conspiracy!" Even though they usually only have 5.

-"Her record label didn't push her this year so they could push others."

After seeing more tweets like this, I mused aloud on twitter, "I see a lot of Carrie fans are bitching she didn't get an EoY nominee, and that they have less nominees than last year...stop your bitching! If Carrie Underwood wasn't good enough to crack the top 5, she ain't winning anyways!"

Now, I stand corrected, as this is the award that recently became fan voted. So technically, she could still win if she wasn't in the final 5 (actually 6 this year), but that's only because Carrie fans are devoted and hard-core enough to find ways to beat the system. Be honest Carrie fans, how many different email addresses did you create just so you could vote for her last year?

There's even a petition going around to formally complain about it. Seriously? C'mon's just a TV Awards Show, one of 4 now in the genre alone. They're nice for bragging rights and it's nice to have a trophy on the mantel, but I promise you that Carrie isn't losing any sleep over this, and neither should you.

I find Carrie Underwood to be one of the most beautiful gals in entertainment. I challenge you to find someone with a voice as good as hers. For some reason though, she has a lot of crazy (in a bad way) fans. They will attack you if you don't praise her, they will attack other country singers and their perceived lesser level of talent (Taylor Swift anyone?), use pictures of Carrie instead of pictures of themselves for their profile picture, and spend their free time browsing for people speaking negatively about Carrie just waiting to pounce on them. Don't ya'll have anything better to do?

After making my comments several hours ago, I'm STILL getting all kinds of vile attacks sent to me on twitter about it. I've been called loser, pus*y, bit*h, and told to shut the f*ck up. It cracks me up. I imagine many of them have been crying themselves to sleep because of this "fiasco."

Carrie has great record sales, a successful tour, and is all over the place. Sure, she warrants consideration. But so do many other deserving artists that never get nominations she's gotten. Carrie to me is similar to Taylor Swift in that they're hugely popular, but aren't exactly "country." Carrie has some songs that can qualify as country, but much of her music, like Taylor's, belongs on Pop or Adult Contemporary stations, not country.

So what's your opinion of Carrie Underwood and her ACM "snub?" Does part of you hope Taylor Swift wins the Entertainer of the Year Award just to see the Carrie fans go over the ledge?

Friday, February 4, 2011

So Which Party is Pro-Big Business Again?

This email was forwarded to me today...unfortunately, the original author wasn't credited for writing this, but I thought the point it made was so strong that I had to share it anyways. Republicans are always being accused of being pro-big business, while Democrats always claim to be "for the little people." With Democrats in power over the past few years, this points out something different. Tell me, what do YOU think?

The United State government took dramatic attempts to "save the economy"
during the late, great financial crisis, resulting in a massive increase in
US government debt. But who was really saved?

New estimates from the Gallup group show that almost 1 in 5 Americans are
either unemployed or underemployed, working less than they would like.
Commodities prices have risen, driving increased food and energy costs
around the world; a gallon of gasoline is about 17% more expensive than it
was a year ago. Housing is the biggest asset for most Americans, but house
values continue to decline. With far fewer jobs, rising costs for basic
goods, and falling house prices, clearly it was not the working class that
was rescued.

On the other hand, stocks, held disproportionately by the wealthy, have
doubled in value from crisis lows, bonuses for those working on Wall Street
have hit record levels, and star hedge fund trader John Paulsen personally
made $5 billion last year.

Essentially, the government engineered a massive transfer of wealth to the
corporate sector, at taxpayer risk and expense.

President Reagan used to say: "The most terrifying words in the English
language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'" The lower
you are on the food chain, the truer that statement becomes.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Today's two-party political system needs to go. It forces most people to choose sides like they're sports fans arguing over the Yankees and Red Sox, and prevents Congress from ever making any real progress in improving this country.

All too often politicians "take one for the team" to stay within the party lines rather than vote honestly on behalf of their constituents and what's best for the country.

It has created a volatile atmosphere in politics, political analysis, and as the shootings in Arizona shows, in the general public.

What this country needs is a practice of Common Sense, not politics. I don't even like saying the word "politics" anymore, as it's become a dirty word associated with hate, greed, bickering, and lunacy.

The recent shootings in Arizona resulted in an appeal to cooperation, only to be followed by finger-pointing and mud-slinging instead. I blame the "News"'channels for that.

Tonight's move by MSNBC to "end" Keith Olbermann's contract is a great first step to bringing sanity to the political landscape. The major news networks need to go back to reporting the news, not airing political talking heads spewing their biased, self-promoting interests, no matter what the ratings say. Let them stick to radio talk shows or blogs. The next step is to remove other clearly biased hosts such as Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rachel Maddow, and Bill O'Reilly.

While I am a registered Republican, I don't always agree with the party's stance on the issues. People shouldn't be forced to vote for a party, but be given the option to choose candidates that best reflects their personal beliefs across the board.

The 2008 elections are a perfect example. I didn't vote for John McCain because I wanted him to win, I voted for him because he was the lessor of two evils that had "REP" next to his name.

I say do away with the party system and let us choose from more options. Today, politics is about who has the most money, not the best ideas. Those that run as an Independent or third party candidate have no shot because of this two-party system, even if they do have the best collection of ideas for this country.

If America is ever going to get it right and improve today's society, Common Sense needs to take over politics. Elected officials need to do what's best for the country, not what's best for them and their party.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Fits About To Hit The Shan

I received my quarterly 401(k) statement yesterday, and you'd think the economy was booming with the amount of money I made off my investments. Don't let "hope" and "change" fool you though...we're about to see another big blow to our already weakened economic health in the coming months if something doesn't change quickly. Can Americans handle another economic crisis and bailouts?

Why the gloomy forecast from an openly admitted non-expert on the subject? Look at recent history. It wasn't that long ago, after Hurricane Katrina, that our gas prices started to sky-rocket to over $4/gallon. Back then, the economy was still in good shape and the economic/housing bubbles hadn't burst yet. At first, it was something that we thought we could weather as we had to triple (or more) our gas budgets to get to and from work, had to cut down on vacations and road trips, etc.

The biggest blow wasn't our increase in fuel costs for personal was the trickle down from all of the businesses and products we use on a day-to-day basis as they passed their added fuel costs on to the consumers. Pizza chains started charging a delivery fee. The cost of groceries went up (It wasn't more than 5 years ago that a 12-pack of soda cost $3 or less, now it's up to around $5..that's 67% inflation in 5 years!), airline tickets went up and they started charging for bags, contractors in the service industry raised their prices, and the list goes on and on. If you had your receipts and checkbook from 5 years ago and compared them to what you're paying now, you'd be shocked at how much of a difference it is from a mere 5 years ago.

The sad thing is, while gas prices receded back down to the $2-$3 range, those costs passed on to us didn't go down with them. Companies have been milking those "added fuel costs" for profit since they came back down below $3. Now, with gas prices starting to climb again, get ready for an increase in costs again as companies use it as an excuse to raise their prices again to "recoup the extra cost of fuel we incurred." Tricky bastards. Combine this with the still struggling job market, the lack of raises, bonuses, and benefits employees are receiving, and the unprecedented National Debt this country has accumulated, we're going to be China's "Bitch" sooner than later.

And PS - With George W. Bush and Dick Cheney more than 2 years removed from office, who are we blaming now for the current rise in gas prices? Either Obama's in bed with the oil companies too, or Bush/Cheney weren't responsible for it the first time around after-all.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do You Watch "The Jersey Shore?" - Reality TV at it's worst

I have never watched The Jersey Shore. In fact, I haven't watched a second of MTV in 13 years. It amazes me that such garbage has become so popular. It's a shameful reflection of society that the names "Snooki" and "The Situation" have become such iconic figures in Pop Culture.

Reality TV in general is mostly garbage, especially when it takes nobodies and makes them stars. The Real World, The Real Housewives of..., Jersey Shore, etc. Seriously, how are these shows popular? Don't people have their own lives to worry about?

And what about the Rehab shows? The networks are exploiting these celebrities that are desperate to hang onto any ounce of relativity they have left to the point that they're willing to air their problems for all to see, under the guise of "maybe it will help keep someone from succumbing to the same addictions I suffer from." Ridiculous. The networks make a fortune from advertisers, and the celebrities that appear on the show are quickly forgotten once again.

Some reality TV isn't all that bad. Gene Simmons' "Family Jewels" for gives fans a peak into the real day-to-day life of celebrities. I get it. Talent Shows...I personally never watch any of them, but Susan Boyle is a perfect example of why they can be worth watching. People are given a chance to showcase their God-given gifts that they may never have had a chance to. Survivor? I didn't get the fascination with that one, but least it isn't the Jersey Shore.

My point is, America is becoming too lazy and uninspired. Turn on the History Channel sometime. Or Discovery, National Geographic, Science, Animal Planet, etc. Learn something. Educate yourself. Don't let your brain rot watching a bunch of over-privileged snots making millions off of you. Yes, you. Advertisers are paying good money because you're giving the show good ratings. You're better than that!!

What are your thoughts on Reality TV? What shows do you watch and why?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Talking-Heads Steel Cage Match

Did ya ever watch wrestling's Royal Rumble? 30 wrestlers would battle until the last man was standing. A wrestler was deemed eliminated once both of their feet hit the floor below the ring.

We're at a point where I think America needs a Political Talking Heads Royal Rumble to take place so that all of these angry nut jobs can get it out of their system. I'm talking Democrats, Republicans, and all loonies in between.

So who should the participants be? Here's my 30...what changes would you make to this list?

Alan Colmes
Ann Coulter
Bill Kristol
Bill Maher
Bill O'Reilly
Brit Hume
Charles Krauthammer
Dick Morris
Elliot Spitzer
Geraldo Rivera
Glenn Beck
Greg Gutfeld
Howard Dean
James Carville
Joe Scarborough
Jon Stewart
Juan Williams
Karl Rove
Keith Olbermann
Laura Ingraham
Michael Savage
Newt Gingrich
Pat Buchanan
Rachel Maddow
Roland Martin
Rush Limbaugh
Sarah Palin
Sean Hannity
Stephen Colbert
Tucker Carlson

Who do you think would be the final 2 standing, and who would win?

Would Bill O'Reilly use his steely eyes to stare his opponents to death?

Would Sarah Palin use her rifle to shoot her opponents to death?

Would Ann Coulter shoot lasers from her eyes to pulverize her opponents?

Would Keith Olbermann stone his opponents to death with crumbled up pieces of paper as he wishes you "Good night and good luck?"

Would Elliot Spitzer eliminate himself so he could go get snuggled up with the ring-card girl, who also just happened to be a prostitute?

Would Tucker Carlson have a small thing of pepper spray hidden in his bow-tie?

Would Howard Dean just slug 'em while yelling like a crazy person?

Would Bill Maher bow down and pray to himself for the power to win, as the only thing he worships is himself?

Would Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert join forces to stave off elimination?

The possibilities are endless! I'd pay to see it, would you?

Review of my NFL Pre-Season Predictions

Before every NFL season, I sit down and go through the schedule to predict who will win each game. I use my results to formulate the standings, then use that to determine the playoff teams and seeds. Below is what I had predicted would happen, and now it's time to review, gloat, and smack my forehead at what I thought would happen.

AFC East

*Patriots 12-4

Dolphins 10-6

Jets 8-8

Bills 4-12

Well at least I had the Patriots winning the division! I thought the Dolphins would improve over a 7-9 record w/ the additions of Marshall and Dansby. I thought the Jets would implode with a bunch of over-the-hill players and egos. Thanks for holding things down at the bottom as usual Buffalo, 'preciate it!

AFC South

*Colts 13-3

*Texans 12-4

Titans 5-11

Jaguars 4-12

The Colts showed signs of their well-oiled machine starting to break down, but held on to win the division over a surprising Jaguars team. The Texans really disappointed me this year, as you'll see why further down. I thought this was the year that young defense would mature and get it right. Ooops.

AFC North

*Ravens 12-4

*Bengals 10-6

Steelers 9-7

Browns 2-14

Nailed it on the Ravens, but the rest of it...not so good. I thought the Bengals would have a repeat of last year. I thought the Steelers would slide a bit w/ the Big Ben drama going on. I thought the Browns would be terrible. They were bad, but not terrible.

AFC West

*Chargers 11-5

Broncos 8-8

Chiefs 8-8

Raiders 4-12

How many of you picked someone other than the Chargers to win this division? Yeah, right...put your hand down you lyin' sack of sh!t. How Norv Turner still has a head coaching job in the NFL is beyond me. The Chiefs were a pleasant surprise this year and have a good solid young defense moving forward. The Raiders improved, but as long as Al Davis is there, they won't be able to put it together. Will Tim Tebow be the savior in Denver? Don't count on it. He should be used as the next Peyton Hillis.

NFC East

*Eagles 11-5

Cowboys 9-7

Giants 8-8

Redskins 6-10

Nailed it w/ the Eagles. Cowboys should've fired Wade Phillips sooner. He's in the "Norv Turner" class of "how the hell is he an NFL Head Coach?" Giants and Redskins ended up about the way I thought they would.

NFC South

*Falcons 13-3

*Saints 12-4

Panthers 4-12

Buccaneers 4-12

Probably my best divisional predictions. Nailed it on the Falcons and Saints being playoff teams, though I did underestimated the Bucs, who have a good young nucleus. If only the Dolphins could've had the kind of draft they've had the last couple of years. With 3 teams in playoff contention, this is my "no poop" division of the year.

NFC North

*Packers 12-4

*Vikings 9-7

Bears 6-10

Lions 4-12

Didn't expect Brett Favre to play like a 41-year old after the season he had last year. Also didn't think the Bears had enough star power to be anything more than mediocre, let alone a #2 seed.

NFC West

*49ers 12-4

Cardinals 6-10

Seahawks 5-11

Rams 3-13

I thought the 49ers would be the one team in this division to take advantage of the others to run away with it, but instead they all beat each other up and sent a 7-9 team to the playoffs. This division definitely gets a "poop."

I ended up getting 4 of the 8 division winners right and 7 of the 12 playoff teams right.

Wild Card Weekend

Texans over Chargers

Ravens over Bengals

Saints over Eagles

Vikings over 49ers

Divisional Round

Texans over Colts

Ravens over Patriots

Saints over Falcons

Packers over Vikings

Championship Round

Texans over Ravens

Packers over Saints

Super Bowl

Texans over Packers

Now you can see why the Texans really disappointed me. I thought they'd be a good "surprise" team to take all the way like the Saints were last year. At least the Packers can make me look halfway smart if they can get to the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl MVP - Andre Johnson

NFL MVP - Tom Brady

OFF POY - Aaron Rodgers

DEF POY - Patrick Willis

OFF ROY - Ryan Mathews

DEF ROY - Eric Berry

Comeback POY - Matt Cassel

The awards haven't been announced yet, but it's lookin' good that I got Brady for MVP right. We'll see about the others.

Stay tuned...the next "Big Prediction" will be a similar write-up for the 2011 Baseball Season sometime in the next 2 1/2 months.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

December 21, 2012 - The End of the World?

I do not believe for one second that the world will come to an end on 12/21/12, as many fear-mongers would like you to believe. I do however find the topic a fascinating conversation piece. With all of the turmoil in the world today, it's no wonder people (fear-mongers) are profiting nicely from the possibilities.

While humanity faces multiple Extinction Level Event threats (remember that term from Deep Impact?), there's no way of knowing if or when any of them will have us begging for mercy.

Add Image
Yes, the Mayan Calendar ends on this date, but unless they had knowledge of a large asteroid or comet on a collision course with Earth that modern astronomers haven't discovered yet, there's no way they can accurately predict our demise on this date. Considering the lack of technology in their heyday, you can dismiss this possibility pretty easily.

I will go into more detail in future blogs about some of these threats, but for now, here's a brief synopsis of what we DO need to worry about.
  • Asteroid/Comet/Rogue Brown-Dwarf Star/other space rock colliding with Earth
  • Super Volcano explosion (Yellowstone anyone?)
  • Gamma Ray Burst from a distant star aimed at our Solar System
  • Supernova star explosion in our close proximity
  • Coronal Mass Ejection/Solar Flare from the Sun (do you have SPF 1000?)
  • Magnetic Pole Shift (all these dead birds and fish COULD be a sign of this)
  • Alien Invasion (not likely, but POSSIBLE, right Ana of "V" fame?)
  • Nuclear War (bad Russia!)
  • Viral/Bacterial Plague (but she said it was just a canker sore!)
  • Technology (iRobot?)
  • Extreme Climate Change (ya happy Al Gore?)
So what threat to humanity concerns you the most? Which of these threats would you like to read about in further depth with a future post?

College Football Playoff Proposal

Congratulations to the Auburn Tigers for defeating the Oregon Ducks tonight. I was indifferent as to who I wanted to win this game, and enjoyed an exciting finish to the game.

Once again, tonight just reminded us that we need a playoff in college football. TCU, while not in a BCS conference, did go undefeated and beat a highly ranked Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl.

I propose a radical geographic realignment, creating 11 conferences with 12 teams each. From there, using the BCS rankings formula:

1. Have everyone play the other 11 teams in their conference for an 11 game regular season, then take the 11 champs and send them to a playoff with the top 5 ranked non-conference teams. If you can't win your conference, you really don't deserve a playoff spot, so no bitching if you're not one of the 5 non-conference winners to make it. Or, if they want to have a more diverse year-to-year schedule, split the 11 conferences into two 6-team divisions, have them play 8 conference games, 3 non-conference games, and throw in a big money-making conference championship game. Championship weekend would feature 11 games with the winners clinching a spot in the playoffs. Tell me that wouldn't make for a huge money-making weekend! Each conference would have a pre-determined host city.

2. You then have a 16 team, single elimination tournament, using the rankings to determine seeds. You then let the highest-seeded team in each matchup host the game all the way until the Final 4 while allowing the Bowl Games to go on as usual with non-playoff teams.

3. Have a Final Four weekend in 2 of the BCS cities to determine the championship matchup.

4. The following weekend, the title game will be held in a 3rd BCS city. The 4th city gets left out every 4 years. College Football would make a killing with this, so deal with it Miami, New Orleans, Phoenix, and Pasadena.

In the end, the final 2 would play 16 games. 2 others would play 15, and everyone else would play no more than they do now. Taking into account the Conference Championships, you're looking at 26 playoff games that mean something, plus you still get the Bowl games.

What do you think of this proposal? I will list my conference alignments in a future blog.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to The Super Pooper Blog!

Hi there and welcome to The Super Pooper Blog. I have an opinion on everything, and this is where I will "spew my garbage" as my detractors like to say.

First, to give you an idea of the direction of this blog and my opinions, here are some things I believe:

-I find Keith Olbermann to be an angry, crazy left-wing lunatic.

-Urban Meyer comes off as a quitter (how many of the 130+ other FBS head coaches had to quit for health or family reasons?). He also seems to be a poor judge of character, as the multiple arrests of Gators football players under his watch proves.

-Many would agree that Rex Ryan is an annoying loud-mouth, but at the same time I find him entertaining and ultimately good for football (I very begrudgingly admit this, as we all know that Jets fans likely have an express ticket to hell).

-We are lucky to be here. It truly is a miracle that life has evolved on this planet. This tiny speck of dust on the grand scheme of the vast Universe. When's the last time you went out at night, loooked up to the sky, and asked yourself, "What the hell are we doing here? How? Why?"

-Country Music is the soundtrack to our lives. Do yourself a favor and go download Brad Paisley's new single, "This Is Country Music" or Trace Adkins' "Songs About Me" for a crash course.

This is an example of the kinds of things I will talk about here. It won't all be confrontational "beat-my-chest and hear-me-roar" temper-flaring material, so don't judge this first entry's poop by it's smell. Do yourself a favor and bookmark this page, check back often, and leave comments letting me know what you think and what you'd like me write about. I welcome any and all criticism and encourage respectful, healthy debate. Personal attacks on myself or other readers will not be tolerated. Keep it on-topic and respectful!