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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do You Watch "The Jersey Shore?" - Reality TV at it's worst

I have never watched The Jersey Shore. In fact, I haven't watched a second of MTV in 13 years. It amazes me that such garbage has become so popular. It's a shameful reflection of society that the names "Snooki" and "The Situation" have become such iconic figures in Pop Culture.

Reality TV in general is mostly garbage, especially when it takes nobodies and makes them stars. The Real World, The Real Housewives of..., Jersey Shore, etc. Seriously, how are these shows popular? Don't people have their own lives to worry about?

And what about the Rehab shows? The networks are exploiting these celebrities that are desperate to hang onto any ounce of relativity they have left to the point that they're willing to air their problems for all to see, under the guise of "maybe it will help keep someone from succumbing to the same addictions I suffer from." Ridiculous. The networks make a fortune from advertisers, and the celebrities that appear on the show are quickly forgotten once again.

Some reality TV isn't all that bad. Gene Simmons' "Family Jewels" for gives fans a peak into the real day-to-day life of celebrities. I get it. Talent Shows...I personally never watch any of them, but Susan Boyle is a perfect example of why they can be worth watching. People are given a chance to showcase their God-given gifts that they may never have had a chance to. Survivor? I didn't get the fascination with that one, but least it isn't the Jersey Shore.

My point is, America is becoming too lazy and uninspired. Turn on the History Channel sometime. Or Discovery, National Geographic, Science, Animal Planet, etc. Learn something. Educate yourself. Don't let your brain rot watching a bunch of over-privileged snots making millions off of you. Yes, you. Advertisers are paying good money because you're giving the show good ratings. You're better than that!!

What are your thoughts on Reality TV? What shows do you watch and why?

1 comment:

  1. When I want reality TV I just open my eyes, although the episodes can seem boring to others.

    This week, Doug rides a motorcycle and buys a gun

    This week, Doug rides a motorcycle and shoots a gun

    This week, Doug rides a motorcycle and shoots a gun. and buys another
