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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Carrie Underwood Fans Put "Fan" in Fanatical

The ACM's recently announced their 2011 Nominees, and all of the Carrie Underwood fans are in an uproar because their beloved Carrie didn't get nominated for Entertainer of the Year. My twitter time-line has been teeming with her fans complaining about it. Here's a quick example of what I've read...

-"Last year they had 8 nominees, this year only have's a conspiracy!" Even though they usually only have 5.

-"Her record label didn't push her this year so they could push others."

After seeing more tweets like this, I mused aloud on twitter, "I see a lot of Carrie fans are bitching she didn't get an EoY nominee, and that they have less nominees than last year...stop your bitching! If Carrie Underwood wasn't good enough to crack the top 5, she ain't winning anyways!"

Now, I stand corrected, as this is the award that recently became fan voted. So technically, she could still win if she wasn't in the final 5 (actually 6 this year), but that's only because Carrie fans are devoted and hard-core enough to find ways to beat the system. Be honest Carrie fans, how many different email addresses did you create just so you could vote for her last year?

There's even a petition going around to formally complain about it. Seriously? C'mon's just a TV Awards Show, one of 4 now in the genre alone. They're nice for bragging rights and it's nice to have a trophy on the mantel, but I promise you that Carrie isn't losing any sleep over this, and neither should you.

I find Carrie Underwood to be one of the most beautiful gals in entertainment. I challenge you to find someone with a voice as good as hers. For some reason though, she has a lot of crazy (in a bad way) fans. They will attack you if you don't praise her, they will attack other country singers and their perceived lesser level of talent (Taylor Swift anyone?), use pictures of Carrie instead of pictures of themselves for their profile picture, and spend their free time browsing for people speaking negatively about Carrie just waiting to pounce on them. Don't ya'll have anything better to do?

After making my comments several hours ago, I'm STILL getting all kinds of vile attacks sent to me on twitter about it. I've been called loser, pus*y, bit*h, and told to shut the f*ck up. It cracks me up. I imagine many of them have been crying themselves to sleep because of this "fiasco."

Carrie has great record sales, a successful tour, and is all over the place. Sure, she warrants consideration. But so do many other deserving artists that never get nominations she's gotten. Carrie to me is similar to Taylor Swift in that they're hugely popular, but aren't exactly "country." Carrie has some songs that can qualify as country, but much of her music, like Taylor's, belongs on Pop or Adult Contemporary stations, not country.

So what's your opinion of Carrie Underwood and her ACM "snub?" Does part of you hope Taylor Swift wins the Entertainer of the Year Award just to see the Carrie fans go over the ledge?


  1. You are being so unfair, trashing an entire fanbase. For the record, you can only vote 1 vote per IP address for the ACMS, so you cannot use fake email accounts. Your accusation is invalid. Ask the ACMs yourself if you don't believe me. I voted one time for Carrie last year, and was blocked from trying to vote again as they go by IP address so there is no cheating allowed. Carrie happens to be very popular, so she got more votes. End of story. "Whining" about it won't help you change that. She is a wonderful artist and nice person, great to her fans as well. It is not her fault she has alot of fans that vote for her.

    It sounds like you are just a Carrie hater, and now you are attacking her fans as well. Pretty low, if you ask me. I am sorry some of them lashed out at you, as that was not necessary. I could care less if you like Carrie or not, but there is no need to post this vile diatribe that personally attacks an entire fanbase.

    As for the Entertainer of the year snub, she was snubbed, and there is no way you can rationally deny that or belittle that. Carrie toured over 108 cities in 2010, and she had 3 number 1 hits, 2x platinum album sales, and got rave reviews for her live show. I love Brad Paisley and I am happy he won Entertainer, so this is not about him. It is not about Miranda Lambert either, who I also love.

    Jimmy Carter pointed out in a recent interview that a label insider confided to him that Carrie's new label head decided to back Brad and Miranda instead of Carrie for Entertainer, under the theory that Miranda needed it for her career more then Carrie did. That may be so, but it was wrong, and corrupt. I am fine with Brad winning actually, as he has long paid his dues and still hadn't won Entertainer. He is a wonderful person, amazing entertainer, and a great friend to Carrie. So a nicer guy couldn't have won then Brad. I am not mad about that. I just hate that the label is not supporting Carrie anyumore, ever since Joe Galante left as Label head, and Gary Overtonn took over. He has a different agenda and he is kicking Carrie to the curb. She needs to change labels. They block voted for Miranda and Brad, totally screwing Carrie over. The only enemy here, is Carrie's own record label. I hate the politics and corruptness of it all.

    Her fans are nice people who happen to defend her when she is snubbed. So what? The other fanbases do the same thing, so why are you not writing blogs about them? Taylor's fans trash Carrie all day long, and so do other fanbases, and vice versas.

    It is like the Yankees -v-Boston Red Sox. Of Course the two fanbases will clash. It is always that way. So why attack one fanbase? Clearly, you are being unfair, and your prejudice shows.

  2. And you just proved the point of this post.

  3. I was very polite and respectful, so how did I "prove the point of the post?". I didn't lash out at anyone.
