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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Today's two-party political system needs to go. It forces most people to choose sides like they're sports fans arguing over the Yankees and Red Sox, and prevents Congress from ever making any real progress in improving this country.

All too often politicians "take one for the team" to stay within the party lines rather than vote honestly on behalf of their constituents and what's best for the country.

It has created a volatile atmosphere in politics, political analysis, and as the shootings in Arizona shows, in the general public.

What this country needs is a practice of Common Sense, not politics. I don't even like saying the word "politics" anymore, as it's become a dirty word associated with hate, greed, bickering, and lunacy.

The recent shootings in Arizona resulted in an appeal to cooperation, only to be followed by finger-pointing and mud-slinging instead. I blame the "News"'channels for that.

Tonight's move by MSNBC to "end" Keith Olbermann's contract is a great first step to bringing sanity to the political landscape. The major news networks need to go back to reporting the news, not airing political talking heads spewing their biased, self-promoting interests, no matter what the ratings say. Let them stick to radio talk shows or blogs. The next step is to remove other clearly biased hosts such as Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rachel Maddow, and Bill O'Reilly.

While I am a registered Republican, I don't always agree with the party's stance on the issues. People shouldn't be forced to vote for a party, but be given the option to choose candidates that best reflects their personal beliefs across the board.

The 2008 elections are a perfect example. I didn't vote for John McCain because I wanted him to win, I voted for him because he was the lessor of two evils that had "REP" next to his name.

I say do away with the party system and let us choose from more options. Today, politics is about who has the most money, not the best ideas. Those that run as an Independent or third party candidate have no shot because of this two-party system, even if they do have the best collection of ideas for this country.

If America is ever going to get it right and improve today's society, Common Sense needs to take over politics. Elected officials need to do what's best for the country, not what's best for them and their party.

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